
Mummies in a Ruined Convent

One morning at the end of March, while my dad was still sitting in his chair at home, working up to pneumonia and reading mystery novels, the rest of us finally headed off to see the mysteries from the Archeological Museum in the ruins of the Carmo Convent, destroyed by the Terramoto (earthquake) of 1755. All the people were in the church when earthquakes shook down the roof and the candles. The candles burned the remains of the church, and later monsoons added to the whole thing. I had wanted to go for a long time, though I only knew about the mummies (which were as wonderful as I had thought, except that my macabre mother compared them to me and my little brother Isaac—I’m still waiting for the nightmares).

Um passeio em Lisboa: Na segunda-feira, dia 22 de Março, eu fui à Baixa em Lisboa com o Isaac, a Kati, e a minha mãe. Saímos do metro na Rua do Crucifixo e comprámos pão, salgados, e argolas de ovo. Depois descemos pela travessa e virámos à esquerda na Rua do Ouro. Aí subimos no Elevador de Santa Justa até ao Largo do Carmo onde parámos para comer antes de ir ao Museu Arqueológico no Convento do Carmo. Apresento-vos o Convento do Carmo:

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