
A sorta-kinda funny story

Hi! It's me again! I have a kind of funny story...

In english class today we were reading something out of the textbook, and then the next thing I knew, the teacher was shaking my arm. I sat up and was like, "What? Who? Where? Huh?" Then I remembered that I was in english and I had been sleeping (and everyone was staring at me). The teacher said, "You've been asleep, honey. It's time to go to math class now."
That's a picture of me at the top, drooling all over my textbook.

Has anything like that ever happened to you?


Hi again!

Ok, we have some new features! First, goldfish! Who doesn't love goldfish? Put your cursor in their "fishbowl" and they will swim around it. Also, I got a pet: Bandit, the bat! Click on the fly to release it and he will use ecolocation to find it and eat it. How fun is that? Last but not least, Super Mario Bros! I love that game. I have it for my Nintendo DS. For some reason, people think it's weird for a 7th grade girl to have a DS. Oh well. I don't care, you need to be yourself! Anyway, I know the screen is small, but have fun playing the game. More fun stuff will be coming shortly. Until then, you can read my old posts from when I was a ten-year-old. I was so weird back then. Alright, until next time! (Which will probably be like ten seconds from now.) I love blogging!

I'm Back!

Ok, so now that the whole Portugal adventure is over, I kind of stopped blogging for a while, but now I'm back! This blog is going to be a little different from now on, but if you like comics, polls, and stories written by tweenagers, then it's perfect for you! Anyway, hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!